
Learn more about Pliro's API versioning.

The Pliro API is versioned and all requests must include an explicit version as part of the endpoint URL. Version names are based on the date they were released. For example, version 2023-04-11 of the API was released on April 11, 2023.

Backwards-incompatible changes are made in new API versions. These changes include:

  • Removing existing API endpoints.

  • Removing or renaming request parameters or response object properties for existing endpoints.

  • Adding required request parameters to existing endpoints or making previously optional parameters required.

  • Changing the type of request parameters or response object properties for existing endpoints.

  • Removing enum values from request parameters or response object properties for existing endpoints.

  • Changing authentication or authorization requirements.

Backwards-compatible changes are made to all supported API versions. These changes include:

  • Adding new API endpoints.

  • Adding optional request parameters to existing endpoints.

  • Adding optional request headers to existing endpoints.

  • Adding new response object properties to existing endpoints.

  • Changing the order of response object properties for existing endpoints.

  • Adding new response headers to existing endpoints.

  • Adding new enum values to request parameters or response object properties for existing endpoints.

Supported versions

The API currently supports the following versions:

  • 2023-04-11

Last updated