The free offering subscribe page

This page shows the sign up form for your publication's free offering. If a customer is signed in and they already have a subscription, the customer will be redirected to the free offering page and shown a message saying they are already subscribed.


This URL is shown for your free offering in the Pliro Dashboard.

Optional query parameters

continue_url If provided, a link to this URL will be presented on the confirmation page shown after the customer has signed up for your free offering. If a customer is signed in, they will be automatically redirected to the continue_url. To prevent abuse, Pliro will only present links or redirect to allowlisted hosts. Email and I will be happy to help you with this.

email If provided, the subscribe flow will be initiated with the email and the customer will be prompted to confirm their email with the code that has been delivered to their inbox. Example use: Allow the customer to provide their email directly in the paywall and bypass that step in the signup flow.

Last updated